Character Profiles


Hyrdrangea Esme

Alias: Hyra
Age: 40
Race: Elf
Class: Sorceress
Companions: Phoenix - Mo'


Hyra was born and raised in an upper class home. Her parents
Are - or were ; Aristocrats. She left home at a young age as they
didn't approve of her talent in the mystical. What with things such as magic and
witchcraft being looked down upon. It didn't phase her. When she knows what she wants,
she works hard to get there, even if it means cutting people from her life.
When she was 25 she stumbled upon a teen girl [Mo'] and her little boy, whom had just escaped Pirate imprisonment.
Feeling something akin to pity, she took them in.


Alias: NA
Age: 22
Race: Elf
Class: Outlander|Warrior
Companions: Hyra - Mo'


Phoenix has never been the brightest, or most creative elf in the small village he grew up in.
But he was skilled in fighting. He always got into fights, what seemed playful for him,
was serious to people that were on the other end of his fists.
Thus he got into shit alot from his guardian. [Orphan boy hi]
He met Hyra and Mo' when they were passing through. That was a year ago,
now he's travelling with the two mystics. He claimed they needed a protector,
and that he was good at it. Honestly he was enamored by how interesting
they were. There wasn't a magic user in his village, except for the healer. BOOORING.

Mo' Esme

Alias: NA
Age: 30
Race: Human
Class: Summoner
Companions: Hyra - Phoenix


Mo' was from a very very small village that was deep away from civilization. There was a community of magic users that resided there.
Unfortunately, The village no longer stands,
It was an honest shock when Pirates invaded their home, setting fire to their huts and looting their goods. She was 10.
It was also unfortunate that she caught the eye of the pirate captain. Thus she stood the last survivor and was taken.
During her captivity she lost her sight. It was already beginning to fade, but the situation must have caused her to lose
it faster. She never understood. She was in captivity for 5 years. The first year, she had a son. Jonathan.
It was gods given grace when the Captains two sons murdered him, taking control of the ship and her fate aboard it.
She was set free, taking her little boy with her. Thats when she met Hyra, soon after freedom.
When her son came into adulthood, he left to travel with his half brothers Clovis, and Alphonse, and his Nephew Angel.To keep her villages traditions alive, she dresses the way she does in honor. However, when entering or passing through any cities, towns, or the likes. She dress' normal in order to prevent any drama.

Roman Ruthvan

Alias: Creed
Age: 45
Race: Elf
Class: Monster Hunter
Companions: Conri


Creed is a known monster hunter. He uses his friends Tavern as place of business and can
usually be found there if he isn't already guiding someone through the beaten path of creatures.
He used to be a knight, in a city far from where he resides now. He stopped believing in their reasonings and
left knighthood after a decade. He prefers to work for himself and is much happier now doing what he does.
Which is killing things that deserve it.
He's not as mean as he looks, he's a big animal lover, especially towards feline creatures. He owns a cat named Missery. She's fat, grumpy, and is the taverns mascot. He refuses to kill anything that is docile in nature, and will only harm creatures
that are problematic.

Character Profiles